Commercial & Social Media DVD Slideshows
Our commercial DVD slideshows are perfect for Dentist, Doctors, Lawyers and other professional and service businesses. Place our DVD production on your Facebook and other Social Media accounts, in your waiting rooms highlighting your services or products or on your website as an advertising page. Our slideshow presentations are also a great tool for restaurants, caterers, photographers and most businesses with waiting areas of their own for their clients. This is a 20 second sample but can run much longer depending on your number of images required.
Commercial Advertising with Video
Our Commercial slideshows are a great way of showing some of your ideas across most media. Placing your short videos in numerous areas across most commercial outlets…especial on Social Media accounts that you may have plus, you can send these as attachments to your email accounts and much more. Just promoting your business as much as you can to get your service out to many people in the least expensive way. What are you waiting for Contact us today!!!
Give Us a TRY!
Spectacular Quality Commercial DVD Slideshows
Our quality commercial DVD slideshows are produced in-house and never use any third party vendors. We will have total control of the project ensuring and maintaining the highest quality. Our Digital Photography services can be ordered in the event that you would need current images of your products, offices, or staff. Your project will be produced within a very short time once we have all the materials. In order to get your project started, you would need to send us all your images, slides, and photographs. You would also need to let us know your music selection from our extensive library or send us your own music source. Once we have all the materials and your payment we will begin the production of your project. Before you are ready to order your custom slideshow please check our instructions “How to Order Here!”
Please refer our Commercial DVD slideshows to others who you know that may be needing our services. You can do this a number of ways: Complete our referral by going to our Referral Page or using the social media icons at the top or bottom of this page, thru word of mouth and by informing persons who have seen your completed production. For your referrals that have a production done by us, you will receive a $20.00 Gift Card. This gift card can be used for any purpose. One gift card per person. Thank you for your referral in advance!
For More Information Please Contact us!